Author: Erik Hollander

Understand Microsoft negotiation strategies to optimize your EA deal
30 May
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Understanding Microsoft Negotiation Strategies

How to Negotiate with Microsoft: A Comprehensive Guide Negotiating with Microsoft can be a complex process, but with the right preparation and understanding, you can secure a favorable deal. Here’s a detailed guide on how to effectively negotiate with Microsoft for your Enterprise Agreement renewal, covering key points from understanding their internal dynamics to specific […]

Microsoft GitHub explained
06 May
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

How to license Microsoft GitHub – A complete guide

Complete guide to licensing Microsoft GitHub Introduction The licensing of GitHub, while straightforward at its core, presents several layers that can be tailored to fit a wide range of needs—from individual users to global enterprises. Originally designed to simplify participation in software projects, Microsoft GitHub has evolved into a comprehensive platform that supports the entire […]

Microsoft New Commerce Experience explained by LicenseQ
07 Dec
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

7 things you need to know about Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience (NCE)

Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience explained 7 things you need to know about NCE What is Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience? What are the benefits of the NCE for Microsoft customers? What is the difference between the NCE & the CSP? What is the impact of the NCE on license management? What are the commitment options in […]

06 Nov
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Microsoft Customer Agreement – a complete guide

How to license the Microsoft Customer Agreement This article focuses on the Microsoft Customer Agreement as a direct purchasing program offered by Microsoft. We do not focus on the Cloud Solution Provider program, which is also based on the MCA. To learn more about CSP, read our blog Choosing between EA vs CSP. Topics […]

Licensing Windows 11 for your enterprise with LicenseQ
25 Sep
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

How to license Windows 11 for your Enterprise

Windows 11 has a very complicated licensing model for enterprise, so we have written a how-to guide to help you navigate licensing Windows 11.

Topics covered include Windows 11 Pro Upgrade licenses, Windows 11 Enterprise licensing, qualifying license, Virtual Desktop access and we provide tips for choosing the right option for your enterprise.

LicenseQ knows Dynamics 365 licensing and all its applications
30 Aug
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Dynamics 365 – Applications & how to license

In this blog article we take a closer look at Microsoft Dynamics 365 apps and how to license them.

Dynamics 365 is a suite of intelligent business applications developed by Microsoft that cover various aspects of customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP). Licensing D365 can become confusing due to its vast offer. Read our helpful guide!

LicenseQ up-to-date with latest Microsoft developments
17 Jul
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Future of Microsoft Licensing – LicenseQ’s thoughts

Microsoft is continously evolving and developing its offer of products and services. Any updates also mean changes in the licensing terms and conditions.

In this blog our licensing experts Floris & Erik share their thoughts on what they expect in the (near) future of Microsoft licensing. They discuss which contracts they think will be end of life. And they speculate on the benefits and challenges of a new contractual model.
What is the future of Microsoft licensing? In this blog

30 Jun
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Microsoft 365 User Profiling – Why is it important to profile?

Microsoft 365 user profiling is a great way for an organization to optimize their licensing portfolio. Optimization means lower costs and more efficient management. Read this blog to find why user profiling works and how to approach it.

20 Jun
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Microsoft Azure explained

A short guide to Microsoft Azure explained.

In this blog we introduce the basics – what is Microsoft Azure, what does Azure offer and what are the solutions IaaS, PaaS and Azure Mobile Products.

EA renewal options explained
25 May
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Microsoft EA renewal – what are your options?

The Enterprise Agreement is Microsoft’s most popular model to procure licenses for products and services. However it might not be the best fit for your organization and there are other Microsoft EA renewal options such as a CSP or MPSA.

In this blog we discuss different renewal options, including the option to optimize your licensing estate to get a better deal!