Category: Azure Optimization

Microsoft Azure is a complex cloud computing platform offering a vast range of services and features. With so many options and configurations available, it can be challenging to know which ones to use and how to configure them properly to optimize performance and cost. It can also be hard to identify what areas need optimizing (and how) without the right monitoring and reporting tools. On top of that, Azure is a dynamic and constantly changing platform, with new features and services being added all the time, making it challenging to stay on top of the latest best practices.

To effectively optimize Azure, you need technical expertise and knowledge – this is where we come in. LicenseQ developed Azure optimization to help you keep track of your consumption and to maintain control of its complex management. Our service provides detailed analyses of your usage and consumption. Visit our Azure Optimization page to find out more.


28 Jun
Posted by:   Dennis Toele

Azure OpenAI Service – an introduction

Artifical Intelligence (AI) is taking off and as Azure Open AI Service features heavily in the Microsoft Product Terms the last few months, we thought it would be interesting to delve deeper into Azure OpenAI Service. Including what is Azure OpenAI, how do you access it and what can you use it for.

20 Jun
Posted by:   Erik Hollander

Microsoft Azure explained

A short guide to Microsoft Azure explained.

In this blog we introduce the basics – what is Microsoft Azure, what does Azure offer and what are the solutions IaaS, PaaS and Azure Mobile Products.

08 Jun
Posted by:   Dennis Toele

Azure Reservations – everything you need to know

Azure Reservations are a cost-effective way to purchase Azure resources. In this blog we discuss how it works. We also compare Azure Reservations to Azure Savings Plan & Azure Hybrid Benefit.

Benefits of Azure Hybrid
25 Oct
Posted by:   Dennis Toele

Azure Hybrid Benefit explained

Azure Hybrid Benefit is interesting to any company that uses a lot of Azure!

When Azure Hybrid Benefit is set up correctly, it will reduce your costs in the cloud and will lower your Azure spend as you will only pay for the “bare metal” costs and not the Microsoft software charges. 

29 Aug
Posted by:   Floris Klaver

Azure optimization – How to optimize & save costs

Azure Optimization – cost saving tips Topics in this blog Primary payment options for Azure How to save costs on Azure LicenseQ optimization services Azure Nowadays, many organizations move their additional resources to the cloud. And with that, cloud costs have become a large chunk in any IT budget. Over time the percentage of cloud […]